2nd National Moot Court Competition by FIMT School of Law – The Legal Lock

About the Organizers

The Fairfield Institute of Management and Technology (FIMT) is a prestigious NAAC-accredited college in Delhi. Established by the Fairfield Group of Institutions, it is an “A” Grade College approved by the Government of NCT of Delhi, affiliated to the esteemed Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, which is the first university established by the Government of Delhi.

The Fairfield -FIMT-School of Law, through persistent efforts, aims to explore and identify novel areas of law and policy through continuous engagement in developing legal theory and practice, academic potential, critical analytical abilities, and advocacy skills.

It intends to impart intensive knowledge and training in Law subjects and help students to acquire wider perspectives both for legal responsibilities and professional applications.


South -West State Legal Services Authority under District State Legal Service Authority has been constituted by an Act of Parliament passed under “The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987” as amended by Legal Services Authorities (Amendment) Act, 2002, to provide free and competent legal service to the weaker sections of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities, and to organize Lok Adalats to secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity.

About the Competition

Fairfield -FIMT-School of Law, Moot Court Society conducting this competition in collaboration with the District Legal Services Authority (DSLSA). The competition will be in the form of an oral proceeding giving a real-life simulation of a court proceeding in which we see how convincing the argument is given by the student based on law and other aspects of one’s court ethics and verbal ability.

The objective of this Moot Court Competition is to develop academic and advocacy excellence among students all around the nation, inculcating the spirit of leadership and teamwork, ultimately leading to professional excellence.

In this competition, a proper court scenario is created where the students act like the Counselors (Advocates) presenting each side (Plaintiff and Defendant) based on evidence and substantive questions of law, argue with each other to prove their issues in the respective sides in front of the judges who in the end will give the judgment, rounds after rounds.

The objective of this moot court competition doesn’t only restrict itself to the spirit of competition and teamwork, whereas it gets ahead of the normal and gives a chance to represent their individualities.

The competition shall be conducted in physical mode at the Fairfield Institute of Management & Technology, FIMT Campus, Kapashera, New Delhi from April 27 to 29, 2023.

Eligibility And Team Composition

  • All students who are legally enrolled on a regular basis in a law course, or a course that is an equivalent, offered by a recognized college, institution, or university are eligible to participate in the competition.
  • A recognized College/Institution/University shall be entitled to send only one Team to the Competition. Each Team shall comprise three members, two members shall be designated as Speakers and the third member shall be designated as a Researcher.
  • Each Team shall consist of three (3) members, two (2) members shall be designated as Speakers and the third member shall be designated as a Researcher.


The Competition will be held in physical mode, at Fairfield -FIMT-School of Law, FIMT Campus, Kapashera, New Delhi 110037, Contact Number:- +91-9650416947

Registration Procedure

Each team must register by filling up the Registration Form with all the necessary details available at the end of the post and by paying the registration fees as provided in the rules of competition.

shall complete such registration on or before March 15, 2023 (11:59pm)

A scanned bona fide letter issued by the appropriate authority of the Team’s recognized College/ Institution/ University shall be uploaded on the google form.

Once a team registers by completing the formalities given in the rules of the competition, a code (hereinafter “TEAM CODE”) shall be assigned to the Team by March 25, 2023.

Submission Procedure

  • Each Team shall send a soft copy of the Memorial for each side in PDF and Microsoft Word (.docx/.doc) formats, via e-mail, on or before 07th April, 2023 (11:59 pm) to [email protected]
  • Any softcopy submissions made after 07th April, 2023 (11:59 pm) will be considered a late submission and shall be penalized with 1 mark for each day of delay.
  • All Teams are required to submit five (5) hard copies of the Memorials for each side (5 for the Appellant and 5 for the Respondent) at the following address:
  • The Convenor, Co-Convenor, Organizing Committee, Fairfield -FIMT-School of Law, FIMT Campus, Kapashera, New Delhi 110037, Contact Number:- 91-9560596750
  • All Teams shall ensure that their hard copies reach the Organizing Committee by 14thApril 2023 (05:00 pm).
  • The teams are required to submit a cover letter along with the hard copy of the Memorials. The cover letter should specify the Team Code assigned to such Team, details of the Team members and the College/Institution/University represented.

Fee Details

The registration fee for the competition is Rs 1,000/-. With accommodation it is 5,000/- The registration fee shall be non-refundable and paid by all teams.

Accommodation shall be provided on a first-come-first-serve basis to the teams as per the Accommodation Plan form available here.

For more details, please refer to the attached Rules & Regulations.


  • Winning Team: Trophy + Rs 31,000/-
  • Runners’ Up: Trophy + Rs 15,000/-
  • Best Researcher: Trophy + Rs 5,100/-
  • Best Memorial: Trophy + Rs 5,100/-
  • Best Orator: Trophy + Rs 5,100/-

Important Dates

  1. Date of Event/ Competition: April 27-29, 2023.
  2. Registrations are to be done on or before March 15, 2023.
  3. Clarifications on the Moot Problem are to be sent before March 28, 2023.
  4. Submission of Soft Copy Memorials on or before April 7, 2023.
  5. Submission of Hard Copy Memorials on or before April 14, 2023.
  6. Commentary of Oral Rounds April 27-29, 2023.

Important Links

Contact Details

For any queries, please contact:

  • Faculty Convenors of Fairfield -FIMT-School of Law Moot Court Society:
    • Ms. Malvika Sharma (Assistant Professor Law)
    • Ms. Deepanjali (Assistant Professor Law)
    • Contact No.- +91-9650416947
  • Student Convenors of Fairfield -FIMT-School of Law Moot Court Society:

Click here to register.

2nd National Moot Court Competition by FIMT School of Law – The Legal Lock Megha Jains