Call for Chapters for Book on Natural Resource Management by CELAR, NLUJAA › The Legal Lock

About NLUJA, Assam

National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam was established in 2009. Hon’ble, Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court is the Chancellor of the University. The university is dedicated to imparting comprehensive legal education and training at all levels to achieve excellence in legal education and to promote cultural, legal and ethical values ​​to foster the rule of law and the objectives enshrined in the Constitution of India.

The university campus has state-of-the-art infrastructure equipped with all modern sophisticated facilities along with a world-class library, equipped with a collection of more than twelve thousand titles in the fields of Law, Social Sciences and Humanities. The University has established several Research Centers to promote advanced legal studies and research. The Centers have been set up by the University with the intent to address the socio-legal issues and challenges with a specific thrust on the North-East region.


The Center for Environmental Law, Advocacy and Research (CELAR), the first of its kind in North-East India, is dedicated to strengthening and contributing to the jurisprudence on environmental law, under the auspices of the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam . CELAR endeavors to be a torchbearer of NLUJA, Assam’s mission to translate legal knowledge and skills into an instrument that addresses various environmental concerns of the country, especially the North Eastern region of India.

Concept Note

With the accelerating rate of Human-induced Climate Change, posing a risk to the survival of humankind on Earth, it becomes pertinent to ensure the continuity of Humankind that the Natural resources, which provide fundamental support to life and economic processes, and which are under Increasing pressure from mismanagement, a growing population, higher levels of economic activity per capita, and the complex interactions of these phenomena; are utilized optimally.

Submission Guidelines

1. Authors: Co-authorship allowed for a maximum of two (2) authors.

2. Word Limits: 5000-6000 words.

3. Format:

  • ·Text-
  • i. Font: Times New Roman
  • ii. Font Size: 12
  • iii. Line Spacing: 1.5
  • Footnotes-
  • i. Font: Times New Roman
  • ii. Font Size: 10
  • iii. Line Spacing: 1

4. Citation: 20th Edition Bluebook format

5. Front page:

  • ·Title of Chapter
  • ·Name of author(s)
  • ·Institution of the author(s)

6. All submissions are subject to plagiarism check.

7. Submission Forms: Files will be accepted only in doc/docx formats.

8. Contact Info: [email protected]


  • Decentralization of natural resource management on a national level
  • International Trade Law dimensions and Natural Resource Management
  • Sustainability: A new beginning and an end to better resource management
  • Environmental Personhood: A new perspective on Natural Resource Management
  • National Green Tribunal – Role in Natural Resource Management
  • Public participation for better Natural Resource Management
  • Natural resource management during Environmental /Natural/ Chemical/ Industrial disasters
  • Natural Resource Management vis-à-vis customary and tribal practices
  • Natural Resource Management vis-à-vis India’s commitment in COP-26
  • Human Rights, Gender and Environmental issues
  • The EIA, industrial projects and the Government: A beneficial nexus
  • Wildlife crimes of trans-national nature: A challenge to a national policy to combat trafficking
  • National Resource Management with respect to medical and e-waste
  • Any other theme relevant to Natural Resource Management

Who can Submit

Environmentalists, Professionals, Scientists, Academicians, and Researchers across all disciplines.


Selected Chapters will be published, by National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, after peer review as a book with ISBN No.

Important Dates

Last date for abstract submission – 28th February, 2023

Communication of acceptance – 15th March, 2023

Last date for the submission of full paper – 15th May, 2023

Registration Fee

No Registration Fees

Submission Procedure

All submissions should be mailed at [email protected] with the following line as subject:

For abstract: Submission Abstract- “Title”

For chapter: Submission Chapter- “Title”

Contact Info

In case of any queries, please contact,
Harsh Amrit: 8541054789
Vridhi Kashyap: 6307104550
Or write to us at [email protected].

Call for Chapters for Book on Natural Resource Management by CELAR, NLUJAA › The Legal Lock Madhvi Patidar