Civil Judge(Jr. Divn.), ​​West Bengal Judicial Service › The Legal Lock

About the Organizer

The Public Service Commission, West Bengal, or PSCWB is the state agency authorized to conduct the Civil Services Examination for entry-level appointments to the various Civil Services of the state of West Bengal in India.

Name of the Post

West Bengal Judicial Service [ POST: Civil Judge (Jr. Divn.) ]

No. of Vacancies


Essential Qualifications

  • A degree in Law from any University or Institution affiliated with any University recognized by the State Government or the Central Government;
  • Enrolment as an advocate in the roll of Bar Council of any State or Union Territory in India on the date of advertisement for the examination;
  • Ability to read, write and speak in Bengali (not required for those candidates whose mother tongue is Nepali)

Age Criteria

Not less than 23 years and not more than 35 years on the date of advertisement for the examination on 30.12.2022 (ie, born not earlier than 31.12.1987 and not later than 30.12.1999).

How to Apply?

Comments on submission of online applications will start on 10 January 2023.

Application Deadlines

31 January 2023

Civil Judge(Jr. Divn.), ​​West Bengal Judicial Service › The Legal Lock Megha Jains