Recap! Trade Secret Protection and Future Technology | Seyfarth Shaw

Seyfarth attorneys Joshua Salinas and Michael Wexler and digital forensic technologist James Vaughn (iDiscovery Solutions) presented a webinar on December 19, 2022, entitled, “Trade Secret Protection: Through the pandemic and beyond.” The experienced panel discussed the latest developments and trends in trade secret protection as businesses look to reestablish themselves in a post-pandemic world, including:

  • Workplace hot topics, such as the Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting, and the new Work From Home and Hybrid-Work world
  • Heightened risks and best practices for trade secret protection with a more remote workforce and digital expansion
  • Forensic preservation, collection, and presentation considerations
  • Predictions about the potential benefits and risks regarding trade secret protection with emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (“AI”), the metaverse, and Web3

The webinar was co-sponsored by the Federal Bar Association and myLawCLE.

If you or your organization is interested in learning more about these topics, please feel free to contact our panelists: Joshua Salinas, Michael Wexler, and James Vaughn.